February 2

How To Say “I Love You” Throughout Africa


February 2, 2012

Next time you’re travelling to Africa with a loved one and want to tell them how you feel, use one of these terms – depending on the country you’re in. Or if you happen to fall for a local… This is how to say “I love you” in the different parts of Africa. We’re sure it’ll win you brownie points. (It’s a pleasure…)

Setswana: Ke a go rata

Swahili: Nakupenda

Malagasy: tiako ianao
French: Je t’aime

Chichewa: Ndimakukonda

Portuguese: Eu amo-te

Damara/Nama: INam tsi ta ge a (from Female to Male)/ INam si ta ge a (From Male to Female)
Herero: Mbeku suvera
Oshivambo: Ondiku hole
Afrikaans: Ek is lief vir jou
German: Ich liebe dich

Have a sunset dinner in Mozambique

French: Je t’aime

South Africa
Zulu: Ngiyakuthanda
Xhosa: Ndiyakuthanda
Afrikaans: Ek is lief vir jou

Swati: Ngiyakutsandza

Swahili: Nakupenda

Swahili: Nakupenda
Luganda: Nkwagala
English: I love you

Nyanja: Ndikukonda
Bemba: ni nkutemwa

Shona: Ndinokuda
Ndebele: Ngiyakuthanda

Couples Retreat

Did You Know

The love birds in the header image are native to the African continent, with the Grey-headed Lovebird being native to Madagascar particularly. They are social and affectionate little parrots and their name originates from their strong, monogamous pair bonding and the long periods the birds spend sitting together. They could teach us a thing or two about love…



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About the author 

Tamlin Wightman

Tamlin has been exploring, writing about and photographing Africa ever since her first job as a photojournalist for Getaway Magazine. She's lived on an island, eaten with lions, sailed catamarans in the Indian Ocean, tracked wild dogs with Kinglsey Holgate, and white water rafted down the Zambezi and has kept just about every airplane ticket that has crossed her hands.

  • Hi, I just want to say that in Nyanja (Zambia) ndikufuna means “I want you”. The right word is ndikukonda – “I love you”.

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