August 7

Get To Know Your Consultant – Q&A with Landy


By Matthew Sterne on August 7, 2013

Meet Landy Kent-Millar

Today we chat to Rhino Africa travel consultant, Landy, who boasts over 10 years in the travel industry. She’s seen the Great Migration and has climbed the mighty Mount Kilimanjaro… Find out more about her in our Meet The Team section.

1. What do you love most about your job? Rhino Africa is the best company to work for! I am truly blessed to work for such a dynamic company with great services and a positive attitude.

2. What are the top 3 destinations you have visited in Africa?

– Sayari Camp in the Northern Serengeti, Tanzania, when the spectacular Wildebeest Migration is in full swing!

– Kilimanjaro! It was a fantastic experience and should be on everyone’s bucket list. I climbed right to the top of Uhuru Peak, the highest peak on Mount Kilimanjaro. It is absolute freedom!

– Zanzibar – it’s the perfect island to chill on after ticking off these two experiences…

3. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten on your travels? Python in Thailand. Needless to say I just could not get my head around swallowing it so I had to spit it out.

4. What is your most memorable safari moment? When I saw a pride of about 14 lioness and cubs surrounding a herd of about 20 buffalo! It was incredible – the dynamics that went on, the way the buffalo would storm towards one lioness and then quickly they would re-group and stick together.

5. What is the one thing you have to take with you on every trip? An open mind and a fun attitude! And they don’t take up any space in your travel bag!

6. Where in the world do you still want to travel to? I would love to try Gorilla trekking in Uganda/Rwanda.

7. If you could go on a dream safari with anyone at all, who would it be and why? Fictional/Real; Dead/Alive: My husband… a safari with your spouse is a special affair as it is a naturally romantic setting! Who better to share those awe-inspiring moments with.

8. What is your favourite (city/beach) hotel that you always recommend to clients travelling to Africa? Tintswalo Atlantic or Twelve Apostles away from the crowd and with the most beautiful views of the ocean!

9. What are your top 3 favourite safari lodges that you always recommend to clients travelling to Africa? In TanzaniaSayari Camp in the Northern Serengeti when the Wildebeest Migration is in full swing. In South Africa – Tanda Tula in Timbavati. In Kenya – Little Governors Camp in the Masai Mara.

10. Where is your favourite place to eat in Cape Town? Katima in Hout Bay!

Meet Landy

Contact Rhino Africa to talk to one of our expert travel planners and start planning your ultimate African adventure today!


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About the author 

Matthew Sterne

Matt discovered a passion for writing in the six years he spent travelling abroad. He worked for a turtle sanctuary in Nicaragua, in an ice cream factory in Norway and on a camel safari in India. He was a door-to-door lightbulb-exchanger in Australia, a pub crawl guide in Amsterdam and a journalist in Colombia. Now, he writes and travels with us.

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