Maybe you know it’s a parliament of owls, a shrewdness of apes and a murder of crows, but what is a group of wildebeest called?
You won’t believe it.
It’s an implausibility of wildebeest.
I find the collective nouns for hawks very interesting too. In general, a group of hawks is called a cast. In flight, they’re called a kettle, and if they’re circling, they’re called a boil. Who comes up with this stuff?
Whatever the case, they make for some great fun facts. Next time you’re on safari, pull one of these obscure collective nouns out to impress your ranger…
An armoury of aardvarks
A shrewdness of apes
An army of ants
A troop of baboons
A cete of badgers
A cloud of bats
A herd of buffalo
A coalition of cheetahs

A cartload of chimpanzees
A quiver of cobras
A bask of crocodiles
A murder of crows
A pack of wild dogs
A convocation of eagles
A herd/parade/memory of elephants
A leash of foxes
A flamboyance of flamingos
A tower/journey of giraffes A band of gorillas
A cast of hawks (general)
A kettle of hawks (in flight)
A boil of hawks (spiraling)
A bloat of hippos
A cackle of hyenas
A leap of leopards
A conspiracy of lemurs

A pride of lions
A troop/barrel of monkeys
A band of mongooses
A parliament of owls
A pandemonium of parrots
A prickle of porcupines
An unkindness of ravens
A crash of rhinos
A venue of vultures
An implausibility of wildebeest
A dazzle of zebras
You don’t have the best collective noun of all!!!
A predicament of Pangolins !!! Love it!
Haha that the best! Thanks so much Michelle!
Fantastic! Love the conspiracy of lemurs, doesn’t the picture just say it all!
You know what they say Julie.. Never trust a lemur!
What about a congress of babboons, or apes?
… Leading to all those jokes about the US Congress.
Absolutely brilliant – I originate from Rhodesia & agree with these collective nouns !
Amazing, thanks for the local stamp of approval Marie!
A’Turd of Baby Hurtles’ ?
Haha Steve, we’re going to have to verify that one…
A Harem of Zebra’s – A Male with five to six females (South Africa) – We at Valley Bushveld Country Lodge always refer to them as a Harem!
Hi Nico, that’s a great one. There goes the Harem, up to their usual tricks 🙂
Got that wrong – Parliament of Baboons, Owls are clever, Members of Parliament are not.
a clew of shongololos
A dazzle of Zebrasheila
A convent of penguins
Giraffes are a tower when standing still. A journey when on the move. I am going to Madikwe in 2 weeks time and I will drop some of these into the conversation ? Madikwe is an easy 3 hour drive from my Rutland Guest House in Johannesburg
Wow! Great insight, a parliament of owls
What is a group of terrapins called
Most say turtles are a bale but what about terrapins!
I love it