June 30

10 Years Of The Epic Challenge4ACause In Numbers


By Matthew Sterne on June 30, 2017

In the north-west of Namibia, alongside the treacherous Skeleton Coast is a desert as old as the dinosaurs. This spectacular semi-desert wilderness is Damaraland, one of Namibia’s most scenic areas – an enormous, Mars-like, ruggedly beautiful region.

This is the setting for our annual fundraising event Challenge4ACause in which a group of intrepid mountain bikers cycle 350 km over the course of a week through the unforgiving terrain and harsh climate. It’s a gruelling week of riding, but it’s a special privilege for the riders to cycle through the incredible terrain, which is accessible to only a handful of people each year.

2017 marks the 10th anniversary of Challenge4ACause and in celebration, we thought we’d look back at the past ten years. Here is a unique look at Challenge4ACause in numbers…




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About the author 

Matthew Sterne

Matt discovered a passion for writing in the six years he spent travelling abroad. He worked for a turtle sanctuary in Nicaragua, in an ice cream factory in Norway and on a camel safari in India. He was a door-to-door lightbulb-exchanger in Australia, a pub crawl guide in Amsterdam and a journalist in Colombia. Now, he writes and travels with us.

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