A mother. One person (or animal, in this case) who does the work of twenty for free.
With many of the submissions of Africa’s Photographer of the Year, here are 37 reasons why we love our African mothers:
1. She is ever so patient.

2. Even when you are unreasonably demanding.
3. Or when you get yourself into unusual and silly predicaments.

4. She loved you when you were small and adorable.

5. And continued to, even through your awkward phases.

6. She made sure you ate nutritiously.
7. And that you drank your water daily.

8. She’s forever lifting you from place to place.

9. And sometimes lifts your friends around too.

10. She encourages you to take risks.
11. But is understanding when you’re too scared to take them.
12. You’re lucky you inherited her genes and not your father’s (just kidding! Dad’s are great, too).

13. Because she is beautiful!
14. Some of her genes you are thankful for. Others, you embrace.
15. Somehow she puts up with you and your siblings.
16. And with your screaming during hair brushing.

17. And all those times you made a fuss during bath time.

18. She makes a fantastic pillow.

19. And she makes the best bed.

20. She embarrassed you when she made you wear ‘cute’ hairstyles as a child.
21. She has a silly and fun side to her.
22. But also tells you when you’re out of line.
23. She’s always watching… even when you think she isn’t.

24. Did we mention her patience?

25. She’s gentle.

26. And she’s fierce.
27. And you hope to be as brave as her one day.

28. She’s your role model, and someone you can always look up to.
29. And someone you can hide behind.

30. Or hang onto.

31. She’ll comfort you after a bad day.

32. Even when you think you’re too old to be comforted.
33. Those moments when you see eye-to-eye are great too.

34. She’s a guaranteed friend.
35. And, she’s not that bad to spend time with.

36. She’s irreplaceable.
37. And she’s simply one of a kind.