July 18

What the Rhino Crash Got up to This Mandela Day


By Savannah St Claire on July 18, 2024

Every year on the 18th of July, we celebrate Mandela Day in honour of the late Nelson Mandela’s birthday. This Mandela Day, our Rhino Crash teamed up with one of our incredible Impact Partners, the Khumbulani  Daycare Centre, to serve food to the residents of Khayelitsha, Cape Town's largest township.

The Rhino Crash at the Khumbulani Education Centre in Khayelitsha

Our Rhino Crash spent the morning of Mandela Day giving back

What is Mandela Day?

Mandela Day is a day South Africans dedicate to spending 67 minutes giving back to their local communities and making an impact. Why 67 minutes, you may ask? Well, this is in tribute to the 67 years Nelson Mandela spent fighting for human rights before apartheid ended.

As Nelson Mandela once said, "There can be no greater gift than that of giving one's time and energy to helping others without expecting anything in return."

Nelson Mandela celebrating

Every year, Mandela Day is celebrated in honour of Nelson Mandela's memory, Image Credit: Maureen Keating

The Khumbulani Daycare Centre

The Khumbulani Daycare Centre, an NPO in Khayelitsha, was founded by Mama Gloria over 20 years ago. This NPO is responsible for giving children, both directly and indirectly affected by HIV/AIDS, a safe place where they're fed, taught and taken care of by the daycare’s amazing team.

children in a classroom at the Khumbulani Education Centre

The Khumbulani Daycare Centre is a safe haven for the children who attend

Rhinos Getting Involved

Cape Town is notorious for having rainy winters and has recently experienced severe flooding and winds, leaving many cold, hungry and without a roof over their heads. Mama Gloria has taken it upon herself to help her community even further, ensuring those in need have access to a warm, wholesome meal this winter.

The Rhino Crash at the Khumbulani Education Centre in Khayelitsha

Mama Gloria, founder of the Khumbulani Daycare Centre, is a true unsung hero

For us, the 67 minutes dedicated to helping the residents of Khayelitsha was a powerful way to reflect on Mandela's values and principles and to make a positive impact in people's lives. It was a reminder that simple acts of kindness can make a world of difference to those in need.

Food being dished out

Serving hot meals and lots of love

Mandela once expressed that he would be "honoured if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation." Inspired by his words, we made our small contribution, as did millions of others across South Africa and the world.

Madiba Day soup Kitchen

Small, kind actions can create profound change in people's lives

Our Rhino Crash have a very close relationship with the team at the Khumbulani Daycare Centre, and we were so happy that we could help serve food to the community. Being able to be a part of this wonderful initiative was such a heartwarming experience, and we look forward to being able to join the team again soon.

One of the Rhino Africa members hugging Gloria

Rhino Africa has a a long-standing friendship with Khumbulani

Doing Good Feels Good

You may not be a South African but that doesn't mean you can't make a difference! By travelling with Rhino Africa, you're supporting the Khumbulani Daycare Centre and our other Impact Partners, enabling them to do a world of good for Africa's people, places and wildlife. We look forward to seeing you in Africa. 

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About the author 

Savannah St Claire

Born in the picturesque City of Cape Town, Savannah is no stranger to the beauty and adventure Africa has to offer. With a bachelor's degree in Digital Marketing under her belt and a passion for travelling in her heart, she is taking to her new path in life like a moth to a flame. When not chasing sunsets, you'll find her enjoying the finer things in life and South African wines are no exception!

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