September 19

World Rhino Day 2019: Reflecting on our Impact


By Daryll Williams on September 19, 2019

World Rhino Day is understandably a big day for us. Not only does it epitomise our namesake, emblem and purpose, it also represents a much larger slice of Africa’s current sociopolitical climate. And as much as the Rhino speaks to our moniker, so does the symbolism of its survival.

“It is quite appropriate we are called Rhino Africa, because sustainability is linked to the rhino. If the rhino disappears, so do we. If conservation doesn’t succeed, nor do we.” – Rhino Africa Founder & CEO, David Ryan.

The state of the rhino

Rhinos graze in the bush

Two-thirds of the world’s five rhino species could be lost in our lifetime. Rampant poaching by organised criminal networks, habitat loss, and factors ranging from inbreeding to invasive species are driving Africa’s black and white rhino populations to the brink of extinction; their survival remains heavily dependant on vigilant protection, monitoring and management.

And while the world may pause every September 22nd to reflect on the rhino’s fight for survival, this special day provides us with the perfect opportunity to reiterate our daily commitment to the continued plight of the rhino, and all of Africa’s endangered creatures.

Leaving a legacy of conservation

Close-up of a rhino's eye taken for Wildlife ACT.

Rhino Africa is guided by a love and passion for this glorious continent. Our dedication to the betterment of Africa’s people, preservation of its wildlife and conservation of its landscapes is at the core of everything we do.

That’s why, since 2004, we’ve always partnered with grassroots projects and conservation initiatives to provide coaching, mentorship, financial support and infrastructural aid. Along the way, we’ve channelled passion, resources and funds to promote sustainable tourism. Ensuring that we leave behind a story to be proud of.

So much of our business is transformational. Affecting positive change is encompassed in our DNA. And in bringing thousands to Africa every year, we are able to educate, impact and uplift, all for the benefit of the wildlife we so desperately want to help survive and see thrive.

The last year’s impact by the numbers

Throughout 2018, in collaboration with our Impact Partner Wildlife ACT, we:

  • Dehorned 90 rhino
  • Notched 33 rhino
  • Fitted 245 rhino with tracking devices
  • Relocated 161 black rhinos to new homes

Rhinos continue to be poached at a greater rate than their population is growing. And our impact goals for the next two years include seeing a halt, and noticeable decline, in overall poaching numbers.

Read our 2019 Impact Reportrhino relaxing in mud

Just by travelling with us you’re already leaving your legacy on this glorious continent. Each time you answer that undeniable call, and journey through Africa with us, you play an integral role in our efforts to conserve her wildlife, uplift her communities and so much more.

To learn more about our impact, dedicated partners, clients and various contributions, have a look at our 2019 Impact Report.

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About the author 

Daryll Williams

Daryll is Capetonian to his core. Following an internship in Mexico and a solo trek through the United States, he returned home with a renewed perspective and an uncanny skill for content marketing. Aside from his writing, he enjoys reading non-fiction and rewatching Quentin Tarantino films. When he is not hunched over a keyboard you can find him hiking along the mountainside, unpacking the science behind pop music or crafting the perfect cup of Earl Grey tea.

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