Ever wondered what a Silvan Safari game drive in Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve is like? Well, as someone who experiences it almost every day (and trust me, no two days are the same!), I thought I’d share what you can expect.
The Bush’s Wake-Up Call
Early morning wake-up calls are the best. You’re alarm clock in the bush sounds a lot better than at home. It’s the whoop of a hyena, the roar of a lion or the occasional shriek of the Scops owl waking you from your slumber.
And you want to jump out of bed to get the day started. That first sip of coffee on the deck, looking out at the sunrise and enjoying the bush’s choir with no one else around, is everything.

The aspect of the unknown fills you with excitement. You don’t not know what has transpired during the night out there in the wild. What are you going to find today?
Every day is different. No two days are the same. And so we embark on the hot pursuit to find some fresh activity, leading us to anticipate what’s waiting around the next corner. We jump down from the safari vehicle, accessing the fresh tracks and tuning our ears to the sounds around us. Guided by these sights, sounds, and smells, we know where to head off to next.
The Unparalleled Silvan Safari Game Drive
With no fences around and an abundance of wild animals – big and small – in every direction, a Silvan Safari game drive is spectacularly special. And this is evident by our guests from all around the globe, returning time and time again to experience our diverse office and fulfil their life-long dream to see Africa’s grandeur.

There’s nothing better than an African sunrise to start or a late afternoon sunset to end a beautiful day in the bush. The colours seem to get richer, more intense and just more beautiful the longer you stare at it.
Slipping Into Night
Once the sun is down and the darkness descends, we switch off the engine and kill the lights. You tilt your head back to gaze at the millions of stars sparkling in the dark. Nowhere in the world can so many planets and stars be seen with the naked eye. And you feel lost in time as you immerse yourself in the beauty of the unknown.

Different Strokes for Different Folks
Each guide has their own specific passion in the bush. Some love the big and hairy, such as tracking down the elusive leopard or searching for that towering giraffe. On the other hand, some are avid birders searching the trees high and low for the rare and shy species. Others like to find small creatures and those lesser-known ones rarely seen or spoken about.
The point is that every guide has varied passions and fascinations in the bush. However, every guide has one key aspect in common: they want to spend the rest of their lives in this beautiful bush we like to call home.
Being a Silvan Safari Game Drive Ranger
There’s nothing that can quite compare to the feelings you get out here, from the incredible things we see to the fantastic people we meet. Some may leave… for a while. But they’re usually back sooner rather than later.

Once the Silvan Safari bug has bitten, it’s the only place in the world you want to be. It’s your respite, your happy place.
Being a Silvan Safari game drive ranger is my dream. And as the saying goes: “Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
Experience the Silvan Safari Dream
If you want to experience a Silvan Safari game drive for yourself, contact us today for an obligation-free quote.