May 28

When is The Best Time to Visit Kruger National Park?

By Ian Rowett on May 28, 2022

If you're wondering when is the best time to visit Kruger National Park for that long-awaited holiday, you've come to the right place! As the World's Leading Safari Company, we know this safari mecca like a leopard knows its spots! Although South Africa is certainly a year-round destination, every season promises its own unique sights and experiences. Here's what to expect to give you an idea of when is the best time to visit Kruger National Park.

Nelspruit - Kruger National Park

Different seasons all bring unique scenery and experiences

The Different Kruger Seasons

Kruger National Park is a year-round destination and offers delightful experiences throughout the year. So, you really can't go wrong! However, the best time to visit Kruger National Park depends on the type of safari experience you want. Of course, we recommend you don't stick to one season and return to get the best of all seasons! 

Here is a breakdown of the seasons, their effects on the landscape and what you can look forward to in terms of wildlife and nature experiences.

December to March: The Emerald Summer Season

The Kruger National Park has a summer rainfall climate, which means hot, humid days yielding spectacular thunderstorms! The rainy season begins in November with a short lag time to full summer, which runs through to March.

During the height of the rainy season, rivers and streams are in full flood, and the vegetation is dense with moisture. Wildlife disperses into the thick greenery to have their little ones. While your guide and tracker may have a tougher time spotting animals, adorable young ones gambolling at the heel make the extra traversing time so worthwhile. 

And summer has even more to offer. For example, colourful birdlife! Migrants double the species count in the national park to around 500. Lush landscapes and clear light also make for stunning photography. Don’t forget to charge your camera batteries!

Weather Conditions 

You can expect hot, humid days that are often well above 30ºC (90ºF) with spectacular afternoon and evening thunderstorms.


  • Adorable newborn animals all around
  • The bush is beautifully lush and green
  • Migratory birds make their debut 
Silvan Safari lodge is a Kruger National Park experience that will be spoken of for generations to come.

Summer in Kruger is a beautiful sight

April: Summer Turns into Autumn

April is an outlier month as rainfall decreases significantly, but the rivers and waterholes remain plentiful, while the bush is still dense. We’ve been on safari in Kruger during this month and had incredible wildlife sightings! You simply never know what waits behind the next bush.

Daytime temperatures ease off, trees are in full fruit and the rutting season begins.

Weather Conditions 

April days are warm to hot and clear with few showers to interrupt your safari. Morning and evening temperatures are quite cool, especially in an open game viewing vehicle.


  • Wildlife starts to gather around dwindling water sources
  • Excellent birding during this time 
  • Less rainfall means more pleasant safaris yet bush is still lush
Safari in Silvan

Autumn in the bush at Silvan Safari 

May to August: Dry Winter

Winter in Kruger is a dry, azure-skied affair best suited for finding wildlife in the greatly diminished bush. With no rain, warm days and low malaria risk, winter is therefore also generally acknowledged as the best time to visit Kruger National Park for successful Big 5 game viewing.

By mid-winter, the landscape is entirely parched, making it easier to see animals through the thinned out vegetation. Wildlife concentrates around the few remaining permanent water sources and perennial rivers, which means you get more frequent and varied sightings on your game drives.

Weather Conditions 

You can expect cold nights and mornings, with warm, clear days and no humidity or rainfall.


  • Widely considered prime Big 5 safari season 
  • Bush is sparse, making wildlife sightings excellent 
  • Best time for walking safaris and wildlife photography from hides
leopard dusing best time to visit kruger

The dry winter season makes it easier to spot wildlife, even the elusive leopard, Image Credit: Garance Chassaing

September to November: Spring into Summer

The tail end of spring sees a dramatic increase in daytime temperatures. And as a result of the long dry winter, game viewing is excellent! Just head to any water source, and you’ll see many very thirsty animals.

The first rains take the edge off the heat and usually arrive in October, along with the first of the migrant birds. November is noticeably wetter than October, heralding signs of summer’s lush return, including much-anticipated fresh grazing and water supplies. Vegetation is still on the thin side, therefore making for excellent game viewing despite the rising heat and humidity readings.

With many calving antelope, thin vegetation and scarce water, spring is therefore an excellent time to see predators and kills. These spring months can be unpredictable, but with so much action, they are often recommended as the second best time to visit Kruger National Park.

Weather Conditions 

Mornings are still cool with hot days above 30ºC (86ºF) and occasional thunderstorms.


  • Migratory birds are back in the Kruger area
  • Calving season begins, with new life emerging around every corner
  • Prime predator sightings and kills 
The Signature Southern Africa safari reaches its zenith in the Kruger

Get lost in king-sized Kruger

So, When is the Best Time to Visit Kruger?

As you can see, Kruger offers a fantastic safari experience no matter when you visit. But for the absolute best time to visit Kruger National Park, it’s a good idea first to define your safari expectations and then match these with the seasons described.

Best Time to Visit Kruger for Your First Safari 

If this is your first African safari, you’ll want to see as much wildlife as possible and certainly big game like lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and giraffes.

In that case, winter and early spring are the best seasons for your Kruger safari. 

Lions in Kruger National Park

Winter is a great time to see lions in Kruger National Park

Best Time for Something Different 

On the other hand, if you’ve been on several safaris and favour a more adventurous experience over guaranteed sightings, then the summer and autumn months offer the most comfortable weather and spectacular African scenery. 

Best Time for Families 

For families concerned about weather and malaria but still wanting good game viewing, winter is the best time to visit Kruger National Park.

Best Time for Birders and Wildlife Photographers 

Birders should aim for the beginning of summer. Furthermore, wildlife photographers will appreciate autumn's bounty, late spring and summer's brilliant clear light and scenery.

Lilac-breasted roller in Kruger National Park

Lilac-breasted roller in Kruger National Park, Image Credit: Garance Chassaing

Best Time for a Multi-Destination Tour 

If you'd like to take your African safari to the next level, adding destinations like Botswana, Cape Town and Victoria Falls to your Kruger safari is the perfect combo tour. Because Kruger is a year-round destination, it pairs well with any destination, and you can maximise your peak times in these destinations. 

For example, if you want to see the Victoria Falls in full flood, experience Cape Town's quieter season and see the Okavango Delta in Botswana in its prime, May is an excellent month to visit.

But don't worry, our Travel Experts can help you plan the best time for each destination according to what you want to see and do. 

Victoria Falls

It's easy to add a stay in Victoria Falls to your Kruger itinerary 

Book Your Kruger National Park Safari Today 

In all cases, your safari expectations are unique to you as is the remainder of your African itinerary. So, talk to one of our exceptionally knowledgeable Travel Experts about the best time to visit Kruger National Park – for you – and book your safari with the World's Leading Safari Company today.

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About the author 

Ian Rowett

Born in Zimbabwe and, having bluffed his way through a Journalism Degree at Rhodes, Ian turned his reluctantly nomadic life into a successful career as a travel writer. With stints in Harare, Joburg, Cape Town, Swakopmund, Port Shepstone and Greyton, he has travelled the length and breadth of southern Africa. Now living in Knysna, Ian combines his innate tendency to write for a living with a deep-rooted love of Africa’s wilderness and a keen interest in the hospitality trade.

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